
Tax Cuts

Sen. Jim Elliot, Democrat from Trout Creek, wants to give you a tax refund of $155.00. His bill "will take that money and distribute it evenly across all income levels. [He thinks] that’s the only fair way to do it."

Remember President Bush's tax cut of a few years ago? Didn't he say that it was only fair that it be shared by all those who pay taxes? Didn't it offer a tax rebate of $600.00 per taxpayer?

Now, I can't recall specifically what Elliot had to say about Bush's plan, but I do recall that it was roundly derided by the Democrats, of which Elliot is one. And don't you recall the Dems all mocking the 'puny' $600.00 rebate? I do.

I'll give an advance tip o' the hat to anyone who can find a quote by Elliot on Bush's plan...

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