
Tipping their hand.

If there were any doubt about the leftward tilt of the Tribune, this should end it.

In a recent story (apparently not published online) about the Democrat plan to raise taxes on the top 5% of the state income earners, the Tribune put the following headline on it: Democrats' tax-rebate bill sounds pretty good.

By the way, this was on the front page, not the Editorial Page.

Let's soak the rich. After all, this state has so many of 'em. Maybe we can run a few outta here!


Mathieu said...

nice blog!

will come back soon

Anonymous said...

Not a nice blog. This is simply ANOTHER forum for rightwing morons! Wait and see!

Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers!

Anonymous said...

Geez Larry, coming from you that means a lot.

Fire, Ready, Aim