
The Fourth Estate

The news media is such a power for good in our society. After the Tribune circulated an insert accusing Havre residents of racism, we've all been subject to the their Editorial Board's lecturing about our propensity for racism.

Then a bunch of hate flyers showed up in Havre. Apparently distributed by Indians, the flyers said such things as "Whites get out," and "Get off our ____ land." My guess is that it is a bunch of kids of either race.

But in any event, it will no doubt subject us to much hectoring by the Tribune for our "racism." How impolite of them!


Anonymous said...

A power for good:) Did you notice that there was no mention in today's Trib of the City Commission meeting tonight where they plan to approve the final budget? An oversight on their part? One would like to think so....

GeeGuy said...

Oh, that was yesterday. So we'd have time to forget about it!