
Lewis and Clark Signature Event

No one knows if the "big" Signature Event made or lost money. Read it here.

If the Tribune were a real newspaper, they would wait until the result are in, and then they would hire a CPA to audit the books and tell us whether the City made or lost money. But they won't.

Prediction: The City will declare the event a "success" regardless of the financial outcome, backs will be patted all around, and the Tribune will follow suit.


ZenPanda said...

Of course why would they say "we lost $X" & have to face reality? I did not see that much of a difference in the traffic in GF nor did I see many people at the Indian portion at the fairgrounds.

david said...

I got a bit steamed reading that article yesterday, too...looks like the event was definitely not a success...what really angered me was what Horse Capture said about the poor turnout at the "Native American" symposium: he basically said that it was due to people being too stupid to appreciate the subject.

Anonymous said...

You are right about that crack team of yahoos working at the GF Tribune. I'm surprised they were actually aware the city had a Lewis and Clark celebration.

Anonymous said...

If enough people demanded an accounting, I think we would get one. The problem with the Trib is that the City of Great Falls is great at smoke and mirrors - and try, just try, to follow the money. That's what I'm doing, and it feels like a treasure hunt withoput a map!

Anonymous said...

Do you think it is a coincidence that the reconciliation may be done on July 22, and the City budget goes to final reading at the Commission meeting on Tuesday, July 19?
How naive do they think we are? No, don't answer that! This has all been very carefully orchestrated by "Teflon" John Lawton.
I will be at the Commission meeting on the 19th and plan to ask that the citizens be given an accounting on "EBS" before final approval is given to the budget.
Of course, I predict that the Commission will blow me off and pass the budget with unanimous consent- another rubber stamp for "King John."

mackyton said...

Good to know about this signature event. Want to arrange an event at one of event space Chicago for my dear ones. Will surely have some good and elegant décor ideas for it. Want to make this day very enjoyable for all my guests.

Anonymous said...

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