

Did anyone else see the article in this morning's Tribune about the $5,000,000.00 (that's million) fugitive from justice in California? (It apparently isn't on their online version.)

They caught him at the home of City Manager John Lawton. 1. What was he doing there? 2. Will Manager Lawton be charged with obstructing justice? ("A person commits the offense of obstructing justice if, kowning a person is an offender, he purposely...harbors or conceals an offender.") 3. Why wasn't this on the front page?

Update: John Lawton is innocent.


david said...

Holy cow -- that's...bizarre? Scary? Stupid?

Wish I could find it online too...

david said...

OK, I read the f/u in today's paper, and you're right -- it does indeed appear that Lawton was innocent of wrongdoing. Still fascinating, tho...

Anonymous said...

Interestingly enough, John Lawton (in a closed door meeting on Tuesday) referred to the staff at the Tribune and the staff at KFBB as "snots." Could it be because they reported the story with his name in it? KRTV did NOT mention his name.
Sorry, John - you make the news - they just report it, and some do a better job than others:)

Anonymous said...

If Randy Gray loses the election its a good bet Lawton will retire. The Police Chief, City Attorney and several other Department heads are very close to retirement. I would speculate that numerous other City employees from Middle management on up will also hit the road.

Anonymous said...

Anyone read the first issue of the Great Falls LEADERless aka the Stebbins Gazette?

Anonymous said...

I am sure that if you check with the person who produced the publication, you will be informed that I had NO knowledge of "The Great Falls Leaderless."
If a private citizen chooses to publish and distribute such a piece, I certainly have no control over that.
I have run my campaign in a clean and above board manner, choosing to focus on issues and concerns and would not stoop to an anonymous piece like this.
OH, by the way - you published your comment anonymously. Does that say something about you?