

You know, aside from the taxes paid by casino operators, lets take another look. Local car dealers take our money. Stockbrokers haven't turned their noses up at my filthy lucre yet. I've never been turned down by an insurance agent. Even CasiNo zealot, Ben Forsythe has gladly taken my casino money in his paint store. Oh yeah, Kendra Owen too.

And Mayor Gray? Lawyers in his firm did work for casino owners back when he was practicing. Commissioner Beecher? When he was working, his bank did business with casinos.

Am I pointing this out to hammer people? No. My point is that "casino owners" are a part of our community, a legitimate part. Do you ever go in a bar? Ever have a beer? Go to a tavern function? Are we ogres?

Oh yeah, by the way, ever see a casino ad in the Tribune? Man, those guys are principled, aren't they?

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