
Gore's Defense

I listened to a bit of Al Gore's visit to Congress. (Story here). When attacked about his own energy consumption, he relied on a couple of defenses. One, that he buys "green" energy, and two, that he buys "carbon offsets," otherwise known as "pollution credits."

Makes sense. Naturally, there is no reason to conserve the green energy. Wind is free. Sure, it could offset use of fossil fuels if he didn't use it, but at least he is green. At least when the wind is blowing (I suppose he turns off the lights rather than go on the main grid during calm weather). And sure, it takes other fossil fuels to manufacture and maintain the wind generators. But Al's not burning that himself.

And credits/offsets? Great. He pays someone else to conserve so he does not have to do it himself. As long as he gets emissions cut back. That is the great thing about being rich. Do as he says, not as he does. At least he will pay you to do as he says. Well, not you. Just the folks who would be allowed to pollute legally, but choose not to. Because they can sell their pollution rights.

So go fix that fever the earth has. Or at least pay someone else to do it for you.

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