
An interesting turn

Last fall I wrote extensively about our two local justices of the peace. You will recall that one of them 'caught' the other looking at pornography on a computer at the Court. The accused justice, Mike Smartt, cried foul and claimed he was merely seeking photos for a birthday card he was preparing for his wife. This explanation was dismissed and he ultimately lost his position on the Court. Mike ended up committing suicide.

I was interested, then, to come across this article about a teacher accused of viewing pornography. While it is too late to suggest, or even consider, application of this to Smartt's case, I think that one can find that things are not always as they seem.

Surf carefully:

1 comment:

ZenPanda said...

My sister is a teacher in MN & had a problem with pop=ups on her laptop after a student got on it while she was not looking.
Luckily she got a reprimand not jail but she learned about security & watching everything around students.