
Mayoral Forum

I noted elsewhere that I plan to do a sort of give and take with the Mayoral candidates. (I will probably do something similar with the Commission candidates.)

I am thinking of something along these lines: First, I will submit written questions to the candidates and seek written responses. Once I have written responses, I will post them side by side.

Since I want to make this a little bit different from the bland Q&A the Tribune does, after I post the candidates' responses, I will provide my commentary on the responses. (Politician non-answer answers will not be encouraged). Of course, then the readers can comment as well. Hopefully the candidates themselves will respond to the readers' comments, and we will have some give and take.

I then hope to distill the entire thing down for next month's offline version.

If you have an idea for a question and are not a candidate, please email it to me.

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