
Why I love living in Central Montana.

Sunday morning a couple buddies and I are out for a long one. We ran from the Caboose to Cochrane and back, roughly 14 miles, round trip. For those of you who haven't been out that far on the trail, it's fairly rugged country, at least if you're running.

Anyway, we're on our way back. The sun's heating up, and I kept waiting for a sharp 'desert chord' from like an old Clint Eastwood movie or something. I'm in front, and those two guys are behind me.

I hear/see/sense some movement just off the right of the trail on the ground. In just in enough time to recognize it, but not enough time to panic, I see a big old rattler coiling up ready to strike.

But the best part is that I am so dazed from the approximately 11 miles on foot, I coolly pointed down and said "rattler," and kept going. I smiled as I heard the whelps from behind.

Truth be known it would have scared the sh*t out of me too, but I didn't have time. I just laughed at the two wimps behind me...I got to the the Cool Hand Puke.

I love Montana.

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