
The "It's not my money" Department

In yesterday's Tribune, there was a story about the fact that, so far at least, the City's Lewis and Clark "Signature Event" is going over like a lead balloon. After pointing out that the City has sold $60,006.00 worth of tickets against a break-even point of $1,360,000.00, the Tribune quoted City Manager John Lawton as saying "I don't think this is particularly alarming."

I'll bet if he was facing a $1.3 million dollar shortfall of his own money, he might find it particularly alarming.

Also, I note that in response to the Tribune's little voluntary, non-scientific survey, 74% of the 166 respondents indicated they do not intend to attend any of the events.

Obviously, I hope we do well in these events. But am I alone in thinking from the beginning that the City was a little overly optimistic in anticipating the turnout for this stuff? Man, I hope I'm wrong. Because that might not be John Lawton's money, but it is ours.


david said...

I'm not surprised, either -- I don't quite understand what the "signature event" is supposed to be. After all, anyone who wants to learn about L&C can always do so -- what exactly will be different (and worth more $$) during June?

Anonymous said...

Lawton must figure a million dollars worth of tickets are going to be sold in a month. Are we paying this guy?