
More Nugent

There was a letter to the editor today in the Tribune about Ted Nugent. I (and my hard-typing hands) will reproduce it here in its entirety:

I was very disturbed by the quote of the week in the April 23 Tribune. It told of rocker Ted Nugent, with assault weapons in hand, performing for the National Rifle Association. His theme was "shoot 'em dead" and covered the range of carjackers, rapist [sic], child molesters, burglars and the bad guys. No trial, no parole. "Shoot 'em," Ted Screamed.

Blacks, Jews and gays were omitted from the lyrics, but for what reason I do not know. They too are victims of quick judgments without trial and are shot at with vicious rhetoric and physical abuse.

I do support a justice system that protects the innocent and gives adequate support to the victims of crime. I also support a system that deals fairly and humanly [sic] with the perpetrator.

"Shoot 'em" without trial is not a rational or civilized way of treating human beings. Innocent people become the victims of quick justice. Blacks, Jews and gays are profiled and become targeted victims. Violence breeds violence. Getting even has never been a balanced equation. The blow that is passed on is harder than the one received.

I hope that the citizens of Montana who are members of the NRA will distance themselves from the organization when they are advocating violent justice. And I hope that the citizens of Montana will boycott Nugent's concert at the State Fair Aug 5.
Don't count on it.

You might recall that I wrote before about the Tribune's panty-waisted response to Nugent's comments. Well, this latest guy must have gone through the University of Tribune's English, Girly-Man, and Cliche-Spewing programs. And I am assuming he must be a black gay guy who is also Jewish?

"Blacks, Jews and gays were omitted from the lyrics, but for what reason I do not know." Perhaps Ted Nugent omitted them because he is not biased against them? Maybe the writer can't draw a distinction between violent criminals and blacks, Jews and gays? Maybe the writer is more biased than Nugent since he seems to lump blacks, Jews, and gays as groups right in there with carjackers, rapist [sic], and child molesters? Maybe the writer is just a big, whiny lame-O who wanted to whine about blacks, Jews and gays and take a shot at the NRA? I see this guy on the Tribune's editorial board within 2-3 years.

Also, the writer supports a "justice system that protects the innocent and gives adequate support to the victims of crime" and "deals fairly and humanly [sic] with the perpetrator." Wow. I wonder if Thomas Jefferson here actually had something to say, or if he just wrote the letter to show the rest of us how much smarter and more civilized he is than the rest of us who might go see Nugent in concert. Or maybe the Tribune accidentally printed his job application for the editorial board? (I gave this guy the benefit of the doubt by putting a [sic] behind his use of the word "humanly" assuming he actually meant humanely. If not, he's more of a moron than I thought. What else would a system of justice administered by homo sapiens be other than humanly? Elephantly? Snakely?)

Did anyone read the original piece to imply that the NRA was "advocating violent justice?" Or was a speaker at one of its events using hyperbole to make a point?

I think this guy better lay low when Nugent comes to town, or he might get his ass shot off.

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