
Karl Rove

The Tribune had a Point/Counterpoint this morning about the whole Valerie Plame mess. Michael Goodwin of the New York Daily news wrote this column argued that the whole thing is mostly a gotcha game pushed by the liberal media, while Molly Ivins argues it is all justified and Rove should be fired. A few points.

First, have you heard anything about Guantanamo Bay lately? No? Me either. The silence has been deafening. This causes me to lean toward the 'gotcha' theory. In other words, they're going to keep trying to hammer Pres. Bush on something (anything!) until something sticks.

Second, Ivins states: "A consistent theme of the spin is that 'no crime was committed,' that outing Plame as a CIA agent meant nothing since she was then working as an analyst in Langley." The clear implication of that statement is that a crime was committed. Yet, she sure doesn't contradict the pundits who claim no crime was committed. Spin, Molly?

Finally, each column has a political cartoon. Both are anti-Bush. Maybe it's more of a Point/Counterpoint/Counterpoint? (Am I the only one who notices that the Tribune prints waaay more left leaning cartoons than the other?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah... another left wing stooge. Probably writes for the Trib.