
I can't remember...

Will somebody please remind me where in the constitution it's written that my fellow citizens can get together, take my property by force, and use it to purchase advertising to tell other citizens not to be stupid! And no, I am not implying that Indians are stupid, so don't even go there. I'm talking about all so-called public information campaigns.

I wonder how many of our tax dollars go to 'educating' people against breaking the law. Buckle up. Don't drink and drive. Slow down, don't speed. Don't do drugs. Don't beat your wife.

How about we consolidate them all into one big campaign: Don't break the law.

And then all of the other goodie goodie ads can come in too: Eat right. Exercise. Don't smoke. Don't do drugs.

We'll consolidate them too: Don't be a freakin' moron.

Did our founders intend this? Sometimes I feel like it's all nothing but a big subsidy for ad agencies and PR firms.

1 comment:

david said...

I suspect you're half-right, GeeGuy...how many times every day do I hear or see "...brought to you by _______ and this station..." or "...sponsored by _______ and the Ad Agency..."?