
I don't get it.

If our schools are good now, why do we need to spend more? Isn't the only point of spending on schools to make them better places to learn?

Could it be that a monopoly is affecting us?

Ask Eric Feaver just how much money it will take to provide a "quality education." Answer: More.


Anonymous said...

Too bad the Trib is only capable of folksy-seeming, insipid editorials that ramble on without taking a stand -- or, when they do, a pro-establishment one. Every time I read one, I feel like I'm being schmoozed or talked down to.

Nice to see that one newspaper in Montana does rise to the level of thoughtful editorial journalism and follows its mission to "afflict the comfortable." (And who could be more comfortable than the MEA-MFT?)

p.s. Did anyone notice the jab at the Missoulian in the Trib's smarmy "Edge" recently?

GeeGuy said...

I didn't see their whack at "The Edge." Forward me the link if you can.