

The Montana State Library cancelled plans to show an ACLU sponsored anti-Patriot Act movie. I can't say that I blame them.

When did libraries become political institutions? Who would even conceive of the notion that a library should use public resources to advocate a political point of view? Let the ACLU find their own venue at their own expense.

As an aside, this is a great example of how the ACLU has become a water carrier for the left rather than a group advocating for civil rights. I used to support the ACLU, but now they're out there with MoveOn.org and the rest of the looney left.


david said...

Me, too -- used to donate to them every year, and now feel sorty dirty about it.

Anonymous said...

I guess I would want to see the movie about the Patriot Act, and seeing as how it doesn't seem to be of interest to you rightys, which is amazing in and of itself, and none of your preferred groups is talking about it, what's the problem. The ACLU produces a number of films/documentaries that are quite good.

GeeGuy said...

Who said I wouldn't want to see the movie. The question is whether a highly charged, one-sided, political commentary should be shown at a publiclibrary.