

Any doubts about the Tribune's willingness to print mere gossip should be allayed by this piece. (Frankly, I'm not sure how doubts could remain after this week's dustup about the fact that...ohmygosh...a doctor left the Clinic and....ohmyevengreatergosh....the Clinic sent a letter out to patients and told them he was leaving and...ohmydamnnearacoronarygosh...the Clinic's letter didn't tell patients where they could find the doctor's new practice!)

It seems there is a public official who legitimately took a day off to play in a poker tournament. "Some residents," or, according to the story, one resident to be exact, didn't approve: "I don't mind people playing poker, but not the superintendent during school hours." Gosh, I suppose he can take a week's vacation and go to Vegas, but he can't start gambling until after 3:30.

This is news? Or is it just a chance to embarass someone?

(The article is even more interesting if you happen to get to the right spot in the rotation for ads in the online version. Yup, there's a casino ad playing.)


Anonymous said...

To make it worse, they even made it the "question of the day"

david said...

OMFG - this is absolutely ridiculous. I think gambling is pretty lame - at least the machine slots are - but the way I understand it, this level of poker-playing is a skill, and this superintendent has every right - legally, morally, ethically - to play in a tourney on his own time.

That is precisely why people are entitled to "personal days" or "vacation days" or "military leave," etc.

The Trib is digging a hole...