
Sunshine Week

Hey, I almost missed it! It's National Sunshine Week. The Tribune even printed an editorial about it.

Of course, given that someone from the Tribune checks in here at least daily, and given that there is at least one other FOIA request to the City of Great Falls on coal plant documents, a request of which the Tribune is fully aware, one has to question how committed our paper really is to open government since it has remained strangely and completely silent about the efforts to obtain coal plant and SME information. Could it be that our local press outfit only cares about access to information by 'professionals?'

In any event, I hope to soon have some sort of update on my little corner of this story. I received a rather unsatisfactory response from the City last week, but have refrained from posting it given my intervening illness and the resulting inability to discuss the matter with the drafter of the response. Hopefully I will be able to cure this omission by this evening.

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