
Taking From Peter, Giving to Paul

'The (Great Falls Public Schools) board of trustees will also vote on whether members want to donate $35,000 of vending-machine money, derived from exclusive contracts with Coke and Pepsi distributors, to the Great Falls Development Authority.' (From Great Falls Tribune article, Trustees to consider increase in new-teacher pay)
Something does not seem right about this proposed donation from the school system to the GFDA. The school said they needed more money for education. The public approved a local mill levy in May and the legislature was generous toward education this session. Now the school system is so flush they have $35,000 extra to give to the GFDA. It is great that they want to be so charitable for a good cause but why not donate the money from the administrators salaries instead of taking it from taxpayers.

The GFDA has been a strong supporter of the coal plant fiasco. Many of us who are opposed to the coal plant were personal contributors to the first GFDA economic fund raiser several years ago. We will look at alternate ways to promote economic development in the future. If the school system has extra money, please return it to the taxpayers and let us decide what to do with it.


WolfPack said...

Maybe the oddity of this decision was meant to provide cover for the fact that we sell pop and candy in school to begin with.

Anonymous said...

I agree with G-guy. While the Development Authority does make some worthwhile contributions to the community--- it’s sense of self worth is somewhat inflated. I run a business here and have settled in here because it was right for me. I didn’t need the Development Authority to sell me on Great Falls. And while I appreciate what it did under Cramer-I wonder what all those people do.......

GeeGuy said...

I actually didn't write that one, Anon. It was contributor Hawkeye.

My feelings about GFDA are waning a bit though. It seems to me that the 'movement' has been co-opted by the larger employers. GFDA seems to just take my checks anymore, but I am not seeing a whole lot of interest in what I think (nor am I seeing a whole lot of bang for my buck).