Unmitigated B.S.
This is complete baloney. You know what? The left just won't play fair. They insinuate themselves into our institutions, and then use their ill-gotten power to abuse those with whom they disagree. It bites.
The Rough Draft of the First Draft of History
This is complete baloney. You know what? The left just won't play fair. They insinuate themselves into our institutions, and then use their ill-gotten power to abuse those with whom they disagree. It bites.
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5:48 PM
I am happy to clarify, Wulfgar. First, though, thanks for reading the blog. I appreciate your coming here and challenging me. That, to me, seems to be the whole point of blogging, and I wish it happened more.
You have a legitimate point about the word "expose" vs. intimidate, but when the person who makes the threat/promise has the ability to set your grade, and when the language used is so vitriolic, I think one can fairly infer an intent to intimidate her. But that's not really my point.
Yeah, the guy got frickin hired alright. No doubt by a left-wing administration full of left-wing professors, who won't even consider hiring a person who professes even the slightest right of center leaning. Diversity my a$$.
If you do not like the word insinuate, how about "infiltrate" or "captured." The left has taken over the academy. If you seriously question that assertion, please let me know and when I get home, I'll dig a little deeper for source materials.
I'll also cede you a small point on my 'defending of pussies.' (I, of course, use the term figuratively, and not literally. I will be PC in this discussion.) This strikes me harder for a couple reasons, though:
1. She could certainly expect that her grades will suffer given the difference in relative power between her and the professor.
2. While she is not silenced, I think the idea that one who I disagree with should be a)considered evil and b)run off campus is antithetical to the notion of "higher education."
3. While I may or may not pay for community colleges in Virginia (I don't know if they receive federal funding), there is something sickly ironic about a man denigrating a country and its economic system while on its teat.
4. This hits close to home in that I represented a professor who was discriminated against due to his political beliefs; this topic is of great concern due to the potential to exercise undue sway over young minds and due to the potential that politically correct BS clouds out real learning. I have three kids who I hope will be attending college in the not too distant future.
5. The night before I read about this story, my 7th grader related an incident at his school where a teacher railed against the GOP. 7th Grade! So the timing was right.
So, there you go, Wulfgar. Thanks again, and I look forward to your reply.
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